Saikkua, Kiitos!

Friday 7.3.2025 19:00
Tickets 32 €

Saikkua, kiitos! Part 1. –600 shows and 250 000 satisfied audience members!

The first part of the hugely popular Saikkua, Kiitos! trilogy’s first part, Saikkua, Kiitos!

Since 2013, the show has been performed around Finland around 600 times to more than 250,000 spectators. The show was written by Ismo Leikola, voted the funniest man in the world, together with Kalle Pylvänäinen. Ismo Leikola has also written the lyrics for the songs in the show.

The theme is familiar to all Finns: health and illness, health centres and hospitals, doctors, patients and nurses. The brilliant actors Jukka Rasila, Ville Keskilä and Kalle Pylvänäinen play several roles with laugh-out-loud charm.

250.000 viewers can’t be wrong! Welcome!

Doors at 18:00
Performance starts at 19:00
The performance lasts approximately two hours, including intermission.

Cloakroom 3€.

Muita tapahtumia Marchssa

Stand Up

Saturday 15.3.2025


Stand-up comedian Anders Helenius' show Jotain tekemistä tells the story of what happens when you suddenly have time to think after busy years. Time to think about things like the meaning of life, love, death, insomnia, health checks, robot cutters, gym workouts, and in general why we're all at least a little lost.


Muusikko Antti Autio tummana hahmona hiukset kasvojen edessä valaistua vaaleansinistä ja -punaista taustaa vasten. Keltaisella teksi Antti Autio Yksin konserttisalikiertue

Friday 21.3.2025 18:30

Antti Autio: Yksin (Alone)

The beloved songwriter Antti Autio's music, as it was composed—accompanied solely by guitar.